Monday, December 31, 2007

Work Resolve

Happy New Year to all, may it be happy, health and full of everything you hope it to be.

I thought on this resolution post that I would start with my professional life . If you have been reading this blog already know that my job has been anything but pleasant for the last year. I am contemplating striking out on my own and living the freelance life. I like the job security that comes with most full-time positions, but what I don't like is not having control over my destiny. I don't want to be stuck in a place where you have to wait 10 years for someone to die before you are promoted. I love the place and what it stands for and I will always have some connection to it be it a part-time job or as a member. For all of you have come in late I currently work for a Y in a town near by. I also have had a bunch of random ideas for projests floating around in my head and one in particular that I would like to commit to paper and see if I can get off the ground.

So here it is the first of my New Year's Resolutions:

I resolve that in the year 2008 I will do something everyday to further my career in a direction that will allow me to have more control over my destiny. When it comes to my career I will create a time line so that my goals will be met and not just exist in the ether of my mind as dreams yet to be fulfilled.

Next post will have what I will resolve to do in my personal life followed by the most important resolution of all, what I will do in 2008 in poker.

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